Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lots of Paisley Goodness

I know it has been forever since my last pupdate. I'm sorry. Work, life, everything has been crazy busy lately. Paisley is now 4 months old and is doing very well. We've been taking her to Puppy Pre-school, taking her on walks, to the Farmer's Market and over to visit with my parents. Everyone loves her. Probably because she's so stinkin' cute.

So we just got back from our first Border Terrier Rally. It was in a beautiful, hilly region in Virginia. The weather was disappointingly cold, but it was really fun. Paisley got her first sniff of some rats (basically, Borders were bred to hunt vermin, so ratting is not only a doggie sport but also comes in handy!) She also got to do a lure course for the first time and did surprisingly well. It's a string attached to a pully, and on the pully are two plastic bags. The pully is turned on and the dogs go INSANE chasing these bags around the circle. A few dogs went ahead of Paisley, and upon watching them we thought that there would be no way she would do it. She'd get way too distracted by the puddles, rocks, and other dogs for goodness sake! But she totally surprised us! She chased the bags pretty well, and the best part was the 15+ people cheering "GO PAISLEY!" and OOhing/AAhing over how little and spunky she is. She slept the whole way home.

So here are some pics of the rally and also some shots I took of her yesterday on the sunny deck. Enjoy!

checking out the rats. yes, real rats.

paisley and her mommy, chara. don't they look alike?

paisley with her little siblings. (paise is on the left).


lure course! GO PAISLEY!

sunny puppy.

mug shot. (get it?)

1 comment:

Blythe said...

it seems like she's getting big really quickly! :) i was glad to read this update.